Germs was legendary hardcore/punk rock band from USA.I can say 1000 words about Germs and legendary vox Darby Crash (Jan Paul Beahm).They influeced many punk bands in 80's expecly hardcore bands and today.Jan Paul or Darby Crash was mate with Pat Smear(Legendary Guitarist) in High School.But they have problems with drums.When they founded two girls for bass and drums they started rehearsing they recorded first song "Forming".They were many times riots on they gigs i can't say that i am 100 % right but someone told me that Darby Crash not remember 90 % they gigs.Germs broke up beucase Darby Crash overdose.But somethin about this releases.In late 70's was hard to find someone to record you release they record on they mixets but later they found recording studios.I like every Germs release for me totally influence on my life.I can say lots of words but i must go now.I 100 % recommend this shit to download.I hope you will like this killer's releases.Cheers!!!

Side one
1.Lexicon Devil
Side two
1.Circle One
2.No God

Side one:
1.What We Do is Secret
2.Communist Eyes
3.Land of Treason
4.Richie Dagger's Crime
5.Strange Notes
6.American Leather
7.Lexicon Devil
9.Our Way
10.We Must Bleed
Side two:
1.Media Blitz
2.The Other Newest One
3.Let's Pretend
4.Dragon Lady
5.The Slave
6.Shut Down (Annihilation Man)
In Europe tour in Winter2009...