utorak, 2. veljače 2010.

Nonsense-Red i Rad

Recorded by Gera - guitars, Dena - drums, and Kktz - vocals. Special thanx to File Studio Depth for help.

Songs Tko je tvoj neprijatelj? and Sada are new versions by Dena, Kktz and Gera, of songs made by Gera and Kktz as Nonsense in early 90's. Nacija, new version by Dena, Kktz and Gera, with lyrics translated and partly remade, of the song Stupid Nation that Kktz wrote and played with Antitude in early 90's. Zivim kao pseto, new version by Dena, Kktz and Gera, with lyrics translated and partly remade, of the song Living like a dog that Kktz wrote while playing with Dislike in mid/late 90's. U.B.R. is the cover song of same named Slovenian / former Yugoslavian 80's hardcore band. Vidim Krv is the cover song of Bosnia and Herzegovina / former Yugoslavian 80's hardcore band Zenevski Dekret. It's no t.v sketch is Discharge cover song.

"Red i Rad" is about bringing back the anger and approach of traditional former Yugoslavian and worldwide hardcore trash. We are not "retro" or "old school", this sound is what we think is missing today, and for Nonsense it perfectly fits the harsh subjects that we are dealing with; life at Balkans, wars, corruption, ideological hipocrisy, and social decay. No preaching here, just the real life disillusion and despair. We follow no "scene" or any other rules for what we should think or play, this demo is our answer to all of that.

1) zivim kao pseto
2) sada
3) nacija
4) tko je tvoj neprijatelj?
5) u.b.r.
6) vidim krv
7) it's no t.v. sketch(Discharge)


3 komentara:

  1. thank you. see http://www.myspace.com/nonsensefuckingnonsense for more info, and check out my blog about mainly 80's former yugoslavian hc/punk and underground at http://corpusdelicti-kktz.blogspot.com/
    if any label is interested to put nonsense's hardcore/thrash/punk stuff on vinyl just hit us. we plan new recordings, and we have bass player now too. kktz / nonsense

  2. anyone interested in this band check the interview with them at:
