Milisi Kecoa are hardcore punk band from Indonesia and first Indonesian band on the blog.I never heard any band from Indonesia but this release fucking rules.They sound litlle bit newer hardcore and really reminds me on Netherlands new hardcore scene and mix with new American hardcore bands and American street punk bands.This release has good sound and contains 15 great song with one cover Bad Brains "Attitude".One mate from band has his own blog and check this blog just CLICK HERE .I hope you will like this great Indonesian hardcore band.Cheers&Peace
2.Ganyang Nasionalisme
3.Swastika Mewakili Dirimu
4.Milisi Kecoa
5.Usir Para Jagoan
6.Bagai Rayap
7.Ini Bukan Arab, Bung
8.Kalian Memang Menyedihkan
9.Kami Marah
10.Punkrock, Terdomestikasi
11.Attitude (Bad Brains Cover)
12.Swastika Mewakili Dirimu (Bonus)
13.Kami Marah (Bonus)
14.Ini Bukan Arab, Bung (Bonus)
15.Punkrock, Terdomestikasi (Bonus)
